Author Archives: shawna
SPOTLIGHT – Sherry Lukey by Tom Kernaghan
Are you stuck, stressed out, or frustrated by unhealthy behavioural patterns that are choking the life out of your relationships? Feel like giving up? For Sherry Lukey and the clients she has helped, this isn’t the time to tap out, but to “tap your crap” and move on.
Sherry Lukey is an internationally accredited advanced EFT tapping practitioner with certification in matrix reimprinting. For years she has helped people improve their personal and professional relationships and transform their lives. It’s about identifying and overcoming our limiting subconscious beliefs programmed into us during early childhood. It’s about creating new, positive associations that are aligned with our desires to live well. If other modalities have not worked for you, maybe it’s time to try tapping.
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) tapping works by stimulating high concentrations of nerve endings (acupressure points), turning off the stress response, and sending calming signals to the brain and harnessing its full potential. Having developed a signature method called Tapping Infinite Potential, Sherry offers a selection of programs that can help you go deep and root out belief systems that no longer serve you. A speaker, self-described obsessive learner, and family woman who has worked through her own personal challenges, Sherry understands the courage required to make profound and meaningful changes in your life.
Be Prepared for too much FUN! by Odette Baumgartner
The sun is in the sky and summer activities are filling your calendar. Pack your bag, sport your best bling and rock summer in the Okanagan. “Yeah, shine on, like the moon and the stars and the sun.”
Tempting food and (up & coming?) scorching weather are bound to be responsible for some stomach aches and sun burns. I am sure there will be a few beverages and burgers consumed in the sun.
As I am trying to morph my family and teach our clients to stay away from over the counter solutions to our daily discomforts, I have discovered many natural resources. Here are a few natural tips and alternatives to keep you from going over the edge and a few more if you happen to forget that there is an edge, finding yourself wallowing in remorse.
Did you know?
Following the Laws of Nature, Your Body Can Heal by Donna Roth BA BEd MH
A lump or a so-called tumor appears for a very good reason if you trust the Laws of Nature and recognize that your body has an amazing intelligence well beyond scientific knowledge. A tumor is your body’s way of walling off invasive toxic debris that is present in your blood stream. Your body creatively finds a very safe avenue to create a wall around these poisons so that they do not harm the rest of your body. How miraculous! If you decide to expose this lump to injury via a biopsy or a surgery to remove it imagine what starts to happen. Now that amazing disposal system has been removed. The body has no longer a system of depositing unwanted poisons and they continue to float freely in the blood harming other organs and glands. The toxins in the blood have nowhere to go until another wall is created or the poisons start irritating another organ until a cancer is formed.
SPOTLIGHT – DeAnna Zein by Tom Kernaghan
DeAnna Zein helps save lives — ones lost to paralyzing anxiety, depression, or physical health issues. As a registered counsellor and certified fitness trainer who has faced her own personal struggles, DeAnna is uniquely equipped to meet her clients’ needs head-on and design counselling and coaching programs tailored to tackle their specific challenges. Compassionate, non-judgmental, and results-oriented, she guides them to clarity so they can overcome mental and physical health obstacles and begin enjoying life as they were meant to live it.
DeAnna also works with clients suffering from PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder), which can rob women of their well-being, hamper their careers, and destroy their relationships. Refusing to accept the hopelessness brought on by this severe form of PMS, and the belief that surgery is the only way out, she creates a 5-step plan of attack to help women take back their lives. She can help you reclaim yours. Continue Reading
Why Meditation by Tara Pilling
You can enjoy all these benefits and much more, with a regular meditation practice. Meditation offers innumerable benefits for your body, mind and spirit. To experience the benefits of meditation, regular practice is necessary. Once imbibed into the daily routine, meditation becomes the best part of your day! Meditation is like a seed. When you cultivate a seed with love and peace, the more it blossoms.
Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years. Meditation originally was meant to help deepen understanding of the sacred and mystical forces of life. These days, meditation is commonly used for relaxation and stress reduction. Meditation is considered a type of mind-body complementary medicine. Meditation produces a deep state of relaxation and a tranquil mind.

Can you Forgive? by Trent Janisch

Every person has moments in their life when they are being mistreated by others. All of us experience it. Some more than others. No, it isn’t fair. And no, it isn’t right. Mistreatment is cruel at any level.
I am inspired when people who have been so horrifically abused find the ability to forgive. These are people who have been so unjustly mistreated – innocent, yet still being harmed.
Why is vulnerability a good thing? | Bonita Kay Summers
Vulnerability seems to be the favourite buzz word of the moment. Whether you’re watching Brene Brown’s Netflix special on the subject, taking Pema Chodron’s online course, Living with Vulnerability, or reading Elizabeth Lesser’s book, Broken Open, you’re likely hearing the word more often these days.
If we look at the etymology of the word, we get the following:
c. 1600, from Late Latin vulnerabilis “wounding,” from Latin vulnerare “to wound, hurt, injure, maim,” from vulnus (genitive vulneris) “wound,” perhaps related to vellere “pluck, to tear”, or from PIE *wele-nes-, from *wele- (2) “to strike, wound”. From
A new Tapping audio for you…from Sherry Lukey