You get so tired of it — the body pains, the emotional suffering, the unhealthy habits, and the relationship issues — one or more of the struggles that keep you from being at ease with yourself and living a more fulfilling life. But just can’t seem to see your way clear. Something has to change, right? And all the so-called “fixes” just haven’t worked. John Schlapbach understands. He’s been there and has seen it many times.
The owner of Visions Healing, John Schlapbach is an Emotion Code/Body Code Practitioner, a Heart-Wall® Specialist, speaker and teacher. With over 40 years of experience in holistic health practice — nutrition, reflexology, intuitive and energy medicine — John has seen and treated the gamut of ailments and obstacles keeping us from achieving and maintaining health and wellness in the fullest sense. And he has the tools to help.
His own story offers personal proof of our power to heal from within, with the proper guidance. Many years ago, he applied The Emotion Code (by Dr. Bradley Nelson) to his own life, addressing inner imbalances caused by past sports injuries and emotional trauma. And he learned a key component in this method: the belief that you can turn negative experiences into positive ones.
Let’s talk about your story. What got you into holistic medicine in the first place?