When observing one mind-blowing session after another in her BodyTalk for Humans and Animals classes, it quickly dawned on me that while the protocols and procedures of BodyTalk were fascinating and chock full of incredible knowledge, something else kept drawing me in and catching my attention: the involvement of the animals in each process. The more I observed, the more I saw and the more I wanted to see.
While forever grateful for the solid foundation the BodyTalk system gave me in my praxis, it’s the heart-based connection with the animals and process of neutral observation that Loesje’s Linking Awareness Journey offers that sets my heart on fire.
I would find any chance and excuse I could to join classes not just in Armstrong but all the way in Indonesia, as I never tired of observing this pure magic that takes place when we sit in stillness, deeply connected to our own hearts and in zero point neutrality with the animals and all of nature.
From horses knowing exactly the site of an injury, over elephants connecting with humans that have a similar trauma or story, to cicadas changing their song as the frequency of our process suddenly changes noticeably… the list of examples is infinite.
What may seem like a vast amount of coincidences at the beginning, it so quickly becomes clear are neverending observable synchronicities orchestrated by falling into alignment with the universe around us. And the more you observe these synchronicities, the more they are happening all around you. ALL THE TIME! 

Sometimes these synchronicities and observable moments of magic and miracles become too much to hold on our own. One of the many reasons, why so many of us that start exploring this kind of deep soul work, seemingly continue to seek each other out. Having a community and co-observers in this process is so important.
So in a way, I have been passionately working on creating community all around me to either introduce people to this form of observation or enjoy their co-witnessing of what happens when we align: in my sessions, my regular events at my beautiful little sanctuary or by continually participating in courses at Eagle’s Eye Ranch in Armstrong.
When Loesje offered to mentor me in becoming a Linking Awareness Journey facilitator, it seemed like such a natural progression of where I was going. While pondering the decision, my wonderful dog Molly who was right there with me during my very first experience at Loesje’s place just shared “Of course that’s what you are doing! We have been preparing for this all along!“
So here I am: so excited to move towards my passion materializing in the form of getting to share this Journey with everyone soon. While I am still soaking up the experience of being mentored and continually diving deeper into the Art of Observation for now, very soon I will be able to guide my community deeper into the experience of heart-based communication with all sentient life around us.
Whether you are looking to connect deeper with all Sentient Life: your pets, non-verbal humans, in utero babies, plants or the entire Animal Kingdom. Come join up with me as we explore your ability to draw from your own heart’s wisdom or allow guidance from Mother Nature to bring you back to your True Self.
I cannot wait to introduce you all to the profound experience of the Linking Awareness Journey.
Stay tuned as I will soon create opportunities for everyone to join me on this magical Journey!