
Tom Kernaghan, our beloved BalAnce Writer

I am always so impressed with Tom's ability to write.  He has been our BalAnce Well-Being writer for many years now.  Please check out his beautifully crafted articles here:

Tom's BalAnce Well-Being Articles

You can also check out more of his portfolio on his website:





by BalAnce Writer, Tom Kernaghan

Karly Fiddes

When you first meet Karly Fiddes you feel as though you went to high school with her, worked together on a fundraising project, or met at summer camp. Okay, you may say fostering familiarity is a core skill of any successful radio host, but it’s more than that. Karly’s uncommon mix of verve, vulnerability, and verbal vivacity can connect and wake you up faster than a large cup of extra dark roast. Yet within her strong voice whispers a deeper quality that makes the morning easier: a kind and unpretentious heart that feels the strain along with us … and then magically makes it fun. 

That’s certainly the feeling I had when I first met Karly and during the two times I shared the stage with her — first as one of the storytellers at BWB’s Storytelling Tuesday five years ago, and then as a one-time co-host of that same event, a role she performed with electric energy for a couple of years. Not surprisingly, Karly was way better at speaking off the cuff to a crowd than I was. She is a pro, after all. But I digress. 

As for Karly’s quips and digressions, they are hilarious. Those who have met her or who  have listened to B Mack and Karly on Virgin Radio will already know this. Together they create a sonic space popping with possibility. And what makes Karly so engaging is her saucy candour, her ability to laugh at herself, and her willingness to share her foibles and struggles. What makes her inspiring is how she has turned her challenges into advantages and landed her dream job.

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Aren't you tired of waiting for work to get better? By Barri Harris

Belittlement and beratement are not forms of motivation

When do we hit the tipping point that makes toxic workplaces obsolete?

For a while, it has felt like toxic cultures and toxic leadership would never improve. Until now. In the last few years, I've been
starting to feel a shift. People all over the globe are saying, "I won't work like this anymore". "I deserve better." Workers everywhere
are taking positive action for better work and workplace environments.

When you fall sick, you are told that getting better takes time, but you have a role to play in your healing. You can't just sit around
and wait to heal; sometimes, you need to take positive action to support your healing and hasten your recovery.

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So, being miserable is going out of style by Tara Pilling

Healing is a space that more people are entering because they are tired of carrying the weight of the past and are ready to unbind old conditioning that places limits on their happiness.

People all over the world are actively finding ways to heal themselves in much greater numbers than in past generations.

The work of letting go does not feel as mysterious as it used to, because therapists and meditation techniques can now clearly walk you through the process.

We have much further to go in regard to accessibility, but it is undeniable that healing tools are now available to greater numbers of people.

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Why Do I Feel Like Crap? By Courtney Kafka

As a Bowen Therapist I hear this a lot. Why do I feel like crap? Why am I in such pain? Why do I hurt so much
I can't give you a definitive answer, but I can point you in the right direction.

There are several reasons for you feeling like crap.


Your nervous system is overwhelmed with stress! We are tied to our phones, computers, the radio, the news, work and life. If you aren't turning these stimulus off and finding a calming, grounding activity to do the stress will just cause the same issues.


You don't really sleep, and when you do its not very restful.


Your gut health isn't very good which means you crave sugar and carbs, which in turn makes you feel worse.


Your inflamed which means puffiness, bloat and feeling like your clothes are too tight.


You have headaches everyday, feel like yuck and you just can't seem to really breath. When you do try to breath deeply, things feel sticky. And why can't you get rid of that darn cough?

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Why Exercise can Slow Aging? by John Schlapbach

Exercise is a health enhancing behavior that can lead to optimal wellness, but it must be regular. Lack of it, increases your chances of chronic health problems, accidents and even disability. It’s that time of year to get active again. See what the research says.

Commitment to exercise requires an attitude, and behavioral change. Only then will it replace poor lifestyle habits.You may have good intentions, and then you relapse due to other factors in your life According to psychologist Shelly E Taylor, “changing a health habit isn’t easy, and may occur in stages.” Planning an exercise program and keeping a journal will help your motivation to continue. Group participation adds a social element to your chosen activity. Some people need more social support than others.

Exercise is the easy part, the habit is not. Sticking to a routine must become a new habit. Try replacing a bad habit with exercise. Some people have done it with smoking.


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BalAnce Feedback

BWB Google Review - Pamela Lynch - I've had several amazing experiences through the events hosted by the Balance Well-Being Centre in Kelowna. The opportunities for personal growth and rising up courageously are plenty. The first time I attended Storytelling Tuesday in January 2017, I was deeply touched by each of the stories people shared. I was …

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