

That is what all of us here at BalAnce Well-Being want for you and I am thrilled to be hosting these amazing Well-Being leaders next month at the Spring 2022 BalAnce Well-Being EXPERIENCE!!!  We have reached thousands of people through our EXPERIENCES and I look forward to see what will be shared this time, I know I personally enjoy the growth I experience.




by BalAnce Writer, Tom Kernaghan

Tom Kernaghan by Shawna McCrea

Tom, I first met you on May 10, 2016, at one of our first BalAnce Storytelling Tuesdays. You had recently made the big move here from Toronto, and it was great to hear you were happy to be in Kelowna. And I remember you were so inspired by Storytelling that you wrote a beautiful blog post about your experience. I was blown away by what an amazing writer you are. You joined the BalAnce Well-Being team as our Spotlight writer in 2017 and since then have created the most wonderful BalAnce Well-Being member profiles. Also, you have been to most of the Storytelling Tuesdays.   

I’m very thankful to count you as a friend.

What inspired you to come to the Okanagan, and how has your life evolved?

First of all, the friendship feeling is mutual, Shawna. Thank you for your kind words, that warm welcome to the BalAnce community, and this Spotlight!  

I had an epiphany during a trip here in June of 2015. I was visiting dear Toronto friends of mine who had moved here two years prior. In the span of a few days we hiked, mountain biked, floated down a river, jumped into the lake from the Wibit floating obstacle course, watched open mic comedy, and ate great food! Also, it didn’t hurt that every day was sunny, hot, and dry. I was sold on those things alone! 

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Radical Forgiveness 2.0 by Donna Fairhurst

Radical Forgiveness 2.0

I come to you from the un ceded territory of the Syilx and Okanagan People with gratitude for your lessons and the powerful teachings coming forth in this challenging time. I am so grateful for the soul full lessons we are sharing with each other today.

What is forgiveness?

Forgiveness is the gift we give ourselves that empowers us and others to see ourselves through our hearts and Creator’s eyes. It is the result of suspending judgement, remorse, guilt, shame, blame, and fear, to live in, and from, the centre of our Sacred Soul / Self.

Why is it necessary?

This is necessary for the evolution of all levels of human consciousness and thus affects all equally, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

How do we start?

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Let?s Talk About Relationships? by Annette Adkin

Life is a series of learning experiences and many of its lessons come in the form of human experiences. Most of us think that the relationships that are pleasurable are blessings in our lives. But every single person we come in contact with provides a unique opportunity for our inner self to either evolve or degenerate. Relationships, especially those driven by conflict push us outside our comfort zone. Often the principles taught by these encounters are ones that would be hard for us to grasp on our own?things like forgiveness, humility (not being defensive and really listening to someone else?s needs/ reality) and compassion.

So in the big picture even relationships that we would describe as ?bad? can be good if we are willing to learn, be vulnerable yet also have boundaries that protect ourselves. If we are not strong in these areas, this relationship gives us an opportunity to work on these areas.

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