The MOST powerful source of electromagnetic energy is.. by Tara Pilling



This might surprise you. Your heart is the most powerful source of electromagnetic energy in your body (even more than the brain – which is the your mind.

Let me show you why your heart’s magnetic field is your superpower, and then I have a simple heart-focused practice you can try.

Scientists at the HeartMath Institute have been researching something called the “heart-coherent state” — which is supported by an incredible amount of evidence.

People naturally shift into this harmonious state when they’re feeling kind, appreciative, and compassionate.

The heart’s magnetic field communicates to all cells in the body … and it reaches out and affects the people around us. (The energetic interactions between people are measurable.)

And the quality of the signals sent by our heart profoundly affects our perceptions, brain function, and emotional experience.

As coherence increases, so does your brain’s alpha activity, which supports stress and creativity.

So, how can you increase your heart’s coherence?

Here’s a simple practice you can do in 6 steps:

•Step 1 — bring focused attention to your heart. You might want to place your hand over your heart.

•Step 2 — practice deep breathing to lower your heart rate. “Square” breathing is one way. Breathe in slowly for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, slowly exhale for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds; repeat for a few rounds.

•Step 3 — bring to mind something that makes you feel love, joy, or thankfulness.

•Step 4 — amplify the positive emotions that come up — amusement, hope, inspiration. Give them happy or soothing colors if you want. Savor the moment and smile.

•Step 5 — visualize sending the feelings from your heart to your brain. Picture them as light energy, or shooting stars, for instance.

•Step 6 — expand sending these energies to other parts of your body, including cells and organs. Notice how they respond.

This is a heart-healthy habit you can practice regularly as a way to show yourself and others more love, and it will inform the brain to feel calmer.

You might wish to do it before bedtime, for more restorative sleep.

If you’re pressed for time, even just bringing calm or gratitude through the heart-space will bring about coherence.

And by having more heart coherence, you’ll be radiating more good energy out into the world. And that’s powerful.



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