The #1 Skill to Guide You in 2021 and Beyond – by Pamela Lynch

During a fire ceremony in Bali, a High Priest chanted into the starlit night anointing us with a stream of blessings. The evening had begun as an illuminating and uplifting way to invite in the first year of a new decade in 2020.
We all looked quizzically at the Priest and his wife as they placed coconuts into the fire’s bounty amongst the wood, flowers and notes illustrating what we wanted to release and bring in for the new year.
The solid foundation of the fire crackled and lit up the night during the Priest’s incantations. We watched in dismay as our offerings that fuelled the fire exploded in a sea of burning embers and landed on us.
In retrospect, it was a perfect reflection of what awaited us in the coming months.
The promise and excitement of 2020 quickly dimmed as we all collectively reeled against multiple blows. It was the first time in history that humanity was focused simultaneously on the same thing.
We all felt our limitations and fears.
With the study of Advanced Numerology, I understand the significance of each numbers’ energy and how it personally relates to us. Numerology gives us insights into life’s cycles and the planetary influences for each day and season.
Since 2020 was a four energy year, it was necessary to create whatever stability we could in a chaotic year. We saw the very fabric of our global foundation had structures that were weak and unstable. We experienced the dismantling of systems and found new ways to live.
As we enter into 2021, a five energy year, we are invited to carry our share of responsibility based on our perspective and create a life with deliberate intention. It is time to release the burden of judgment, shame and guilt. Just as 2020 called us to find our own sense of stability, this year is inviting us to embrace change with integrity, dignity and discernment.
As we move through the creative cycle called life with personal responsibility and devotion to the whole, we gain emotional mastery. Emotional mastery is the number one skill that will easily guide us as we move forward into expansion and growth. It is forecast to be THE attribute conscious leaders will seek when hiring people.
It is advantageous when we have information and tools we value, such as numerology and emotional mastery. We can interrupt the outside influences and adjust our inner awareness with a strong force energy called love.
While emotional- and self-ma
stery will be top of mind this year, the five energy also invites fun, freedom, and travel. If you find yourself at a fire ceremony in Bali, make sure you are mobile when the High Priest places coconuts as a fire offering.
Pamela Lynch
Self-Mastery Coach for Creatives, BrainGAMEā„¢ Facilitator, Advanced Numerologist

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