How to reduce stress through proper breathing – by Iwona Sienko

Few tips on how to reduce stress through proper breathing

We can alter our emotional state and reduce stress by using our breath. Proper breathing is a prerequisite for stress management. We get more energy from the air with long, deep breathing. Shallow, rapid breathing constantly calls upon the adrenals for added energy and as a result   burning them out.

 To maintain the proper balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide and avoid hyperventilation, it is important to breathe through the nose as much and as often as possible.

 To Energize- Right Nostril Breathing

If you are tired, falling asleep and need more energy, breathe through the right nostril. Right nostril breathing energizes, and levels out an irritated, depressed or “weird” mental state.

Block the left nostril and inhale and exhale long and deeply through the right nostril only. You may want to start with counting to 4 on the inhale, then the exhale and gradually increase the count to 12 when ready. Repeat for 3-4 minutes. To end, inhale through both nostrils, holding the breath for 10 or more seconds (if possible), then exhale. Sit calmly and enjoy the energy and space.

To Relax- Left Nostril Breathing

This breathing is helpful to do before going to bed, to calm the mind and cool the nerves.

Block the right nostril and inhale and exhale through the left nostril only, using long, deep breaths. You may want to start with counting to 4 on the inhale, then the exhale and gradually increase the count to 12 when ready. Repeated for 3-4 minutes. To end, inhale through both nostrils, holding the breath for 10 or more seconds (if possible), then exhale. Remain calmly seated and relax.

To Balance- Alternate Nostril Breathing

This breathing will help you feel calm, as well as energized and centered.

Block the right nostril, and inhale through the left nostril. Pause. Block the left nostril, and exhale through the right nostril, and (still blocking the left nostril) pause, inhale through the right nostril. Pause. Block the right nostril again, and exhale through the left nostril. Pause. Inhale through the left nostril. Pause and so on. Continue in this way for 3-4 minutes.

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