Imagine learning how to automatically take advantage of an ability that you already have to shift the areas in your life that you wish to shift.
My goal in this article is to explain how you can do that effortlessly, easily, and with scientific backing!
Hypnosis is a natural state of focus and relaxation that we all go into many different times in a day. Any time we lose sense of time or space, we are in a hypnotic state. Daydreaming, visualizing and even “running on autopilot” are hypnotic states.
Using hypnotherapy updates the information in your mind, helps you let go of old belief systems and habits, and subscribe to new ones that are more beneficial. Ultimately, this helps move you toward a happier, more fulfilling life.
Hypnosis is the state a person is in, hypnotherapy is what is done whilst in said state.
This happens because as a person relaxes their brain waves slow down. Our waking state, known as beta, is where we are when we are
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