
"Lighten your Load ~ Lift your Spirit ~ Set your Sails."

-- Maggie Reigh
Soul-u-tion Therapist, Inspirational Speaker and Writer

Have a Fabulous Day reader

Shawna McCrea, BWB CEO


BWB Business Member - Sharon e. Davison

A Quick Profile by Tom Kernaghan

BWB Business Member – Sharon e. Davison a Quick Profile by Tom Kernaghan

Sharon e. Davison would like you to know yourself and what is keeping you from realizing your personal and professional potential. An educator, coach, meditation practitioner, and lifelong lover of learning, Sharon works with individuals and groups to help them increase awareness and make behavioural shifts toward a balanced way of living and working.

In addition to having a wealth of life experiences, including being a mother and grandmother, Sharon has a B.Ed (Adult), a diploma in Career Counselling, certificates in Workshop Facilitation and Employment Coaching, and she is a Certified Money Coach (CMC)®. Sharon has also undertaken extensive studies in mindfulness and meditation with the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work at University of Toronto, the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society at the University of Massachusetts Medical, and with traditional teachers such as Nobel Peace Prize nominee Thich Naht Hanh.

Read more.

Tom Kernaghan, owner of Oak Writer 

I write stories about people, businesses, and communities so that people will remember what makes them uniquely powerful. Tell me your story!
(250) 863-6297

BWB YouTube Channel


BWB YouTube Channel

* Storytelling Tuesday Montages
* Members and Partners Videos

